The subject of my first post is a very special beer, coming
as it does from the only brewery in the occupied Palestinian Territories. The Taybeh Brewery began brewing in the village of Taybeh, 35km north of Jerusalem,
in 1995. Owing to trade restrictions imposed by Israel and the difficulty of
exporting anything from Palestine, as well as the brewery’s desire to produce
additive and preservative free beer, it’s pretty hard to get hold of outside
the Middle East (although it is widely available across Israel). This particular
bottle was brought back by my girlfriend from a recent work trip but I visited
the brewery myself in 2011 and took a coupleofpictures. They’re incredibly
welcoming to any visitors and very happy to talk beer. Taybeh also holds its
own Oktoberfest each year which attracts visitors from all over the world. As
well as Golden, Taybeh produce four other varieties including a non-alcoholic version.
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